Top 10 Summer Camping Safety Tips
From Bears to Bugs, to Getting Lost – and Found! With this winter’s Snowmageddon finally behind us, summer is here and camping is a great way for families, friends and the adventurous to get outdoors and enjoy the summer heat. From hiking, to swimming, to sitting around the campfire, camping should be enjoyed to the fullest. Scouts Canada wants to make sure Canadians stay safe while experiencing the great outdoors. Young or old, novice or experienced camper, Scouts Canada’s essential 10 summer camping tips will help ensure you get the most out of your trip and stay safe this summer. Plus, keep these tips handy for all your summer adventures – whether cottaging, hiking or hitting the beach. 1. Water Safety Many water-related accidents are preventable. Always wear a properly sized and fitted life jacket when boating; know your abilities as a swimmer and don’t venture beyond your comfort level; use the buddy system; be aware of currents and learn what to do if caught in one; and...